Basic design of I&C changes at Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant. Project KUDA For Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 | Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB | 2022-pågår |
Basic design of plant changes at Clab – Central Interim Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel | Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB | 2020-2021 |
Project for replacing diesel generators for auxiliary power supply at Nuclear Power Plant Oskarshamn 3 | OKG AB | 2019-2020 |
Basic design in project Kent, Independent core cooling, at Nuclear Power Plant Oskarshamn 3 | OKG AB | 2016-2020 |
Replacing SIRM – Start-up and Intermediate Range Monitoring System at Nuclear Power Plant Oskarshamn 3 | OKG AB | 2016 |
Safety upgrade of the I&C equipment in project PLEX at Nuclear Power Plant Oskarshamn 2 | OKG AB | 2007-2015 |
Lead engineer in project Turbic, replacement of the I&C equipment oft the turbine at Nuclear Power Plant Oskarshamn 2 | OKG AB | 2005-2007 |
Replacement of system for power and feedwater control, system 535 and 537 in project Rem at Nuclear Power Plant Oskarshamn 2 | OKG AB | 2004-2005 |
Design of new I&C equipment for the waste management facility at Nuclear Power Plant Oskarshamn 1 and 2 | OKG AB | 2003-2004 |
Logic testing of safety functions at Nuclear Power Plant Barsebäck 2 | Ringhals AB | 2003 |
Design Manager at site for dismantling and adaptation of old equipment as well as design of new modernized equipment in project OKG O1-MOD at Nuclear Power Plant Oskarshamn 1 | ABB Atom AB/ Westinghouse Atom AB |
2000-2002 |
Logic testing of safety functions at Nuclear Power Plant Barsebäck 2 | Ringhals AB | 2002 |
Logic testing of safety functions at Nuclear Power Plant Barsebäck 2 | Barsebäck Kraft AB | 2001 |
Plant design of training simulator in project O1-MOD at Nuclear Power Plant Oskarshamn 1 | ABB Atom AB | 2000 |
As built documentation after commissioning of project 532-control rod system at Nuclear Power Plant Ringhals 1 | ABB Atom AB | 2000 |
Testing and commissioning in project 532 -control rod system at Nuclear Power Plant Ringhals 1 | ABB Atom AB | 1999 |
PCB design of a multi spindle controller card for a wheel nut machine for Atlas Copco AB | Confor Automation AB | 1999 |
Logic testing of safety functions at Nuclear Power Plant Barsebäck 1 | Elmaster KB | 1999 |
Commissioning of plant changes at Nuclear Power Plant Barsebäck 2 | Elmaster KB | 1998 |
Commissioning of a mining hoist for CALTEX GAS in South Korea | ABB Industrial Systems AB | 1998 |
PCB design of a controller card for Atlas Copco AB | Confor Automation AB | 1997 |
PCB design of a controller card | ELCOMBRI | 1997 |
PCB design of a controller card | Confor Automation AB | 1996 |